3-bedroom unit, Trinity Row

Bulli • New South Wales 2516

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3 bedroom upstairs unit with wonderful beach views. Newly renovated and close to all amenities. Children's play area, Cafes and Restaurant , bus, beach swimming pool, Woolworths, train, walking and bike track. Suitable for visiting academics with family or group. Fully furnished and serviced. Wifi facilities.


Rent $350 per night
Bond $0
Lease Short-term
Bedrooms Medium bedroom Medium bedroom Extra Large with ensuite bedroom
2 medium and 1 extra large with ensuite bedroom
Bathrooms 2
Utilities included Yes
Smoking allowed No
Pets allowed No
Furnished/Unfurnished Fully Furnished
Suitable For Family
Length of accommodation Any
Lease type Written (official tenancy agreement)
Bond lodged with NSW Fair Trading No
Is this property being advertised elsewhere? No


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